Tuesday, September 2, 2014


     Today was the longest day of my life. I woke up at 6am because my bladder was screaming at me (my dad would be so proud of me. I never drink water back home, but there is nothing else to drink here so I drink 3742084 bottles a day). We had a nice breakfast of rice and water and then headed to our office around 8AM. We spent ALLLLLL day in the office making decorations and planning our lessons for the next week. Our office doesn't have A/C and Ningbo is so humid so it’s our own personal sauna. We didn't leave the office until about 7PM and by then some of us were at our wits end, but luckily we are all still alive. 
Tonight we caught some little boys running around their apartment butt naked slapping each other with towels and it was so funny to watch them run around although we stopped because we felt a bit creepy. If only we were that comfortable around each other already :(

I start teaching tomorrow and I am super nervous to meet all my three year olds. I am basically a babysitter because they don't speak any english and are too young to plan real lessons for. I get to give them their American names and I feel like I have my own little family! I also get to teach the teachers english and thats what I am truly nervous for because you cant just make paper butterflies with adults for an hour.

Some random Chinese children

We literally went insane being stuck in a sauna for 12 hours

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