Sunday, August 24, 2014

Turbulence Before Takeoff

     Five days before I am supposed to head to the airport and take off for China I get a phone call from the ILP office. Being as apologetic as they could be, I was told I am being reassigned to Ningbo, China rather than Nanjing (the city I was originally planning on living in). The girl I met at training, Emily, and I were planning on being roommates for the next four months, but we both got the unfortunate phone call. I am no longer with any of the girls I met at training who I totally loved and was so excited to explore China with.
     To others it might not seem like a big deal, but it has kind of put a damper on my excitement. I am still beyond thrilled to have this opportunity to live in another country, but I have been completely taken out of my comfort zone. Oh my goodness, what am I saying. Im going to China. Of course I am going to have the time of my life and will be completely out of my comfort zone while doing it. I'm listening to Adele and she's making me sad about not living with Emily or any of the girls I met a few months ago. I really am excited, I promise.
     Anyways, I leave in two days and I haven't started packing my bags at all. Ive said so many goodbyes and it's starting to hit me I am not really ever "coming home." I have college and that adult life waiting for me when I get back. I tell my family I can't wait to leave and not look back, but I am actually going to miss them more than I can explain. Gosh, they drive me insane, but I love them so much. (It's only four months Dakota, you're not dying and never coming back.)

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